The worlds first homogeneous frozen cocktail

Smice Cocktails
Smart ice developed premium frozen cocktails under the brand name Smice. Smice Cocktails revolutionized the cocktail market by introducing the worlds first homogenous frozen cocktail using the Smart Ice procedure that binds alcohol to the other substances using only pure natural ingredients. This ensures an unprecedented, delicious frozen cocktail experience without any loss of flavor, color, taste and quality. This makes Smice the ultimate cool experience. Ideal for clubs, beach bars and establishments with a terrace.
Award Winning Technology
In December 2017, The Bavaria Radler Ice Lemon 2.0 ice pop won the Foodservice Marketing Award 2017 in the category Innovation. Although Bavaria actually won the award, we at Smart Ice are very proud and thankful that we contributed to this great achievement. To us, this award means a lot. It is a great acknowledgement for our technology and a fantastic proof of the innovation power of Smart Ice.
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Smart Ice ® would like to get in contact with people that think our technology and solutions are interesting and see possibilities to collaborate. Feel free to contact us for more information about our products & services.

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